Spairs offers FREE TRACKED UK DELIVERY as standard!
Orders are shipped from our UK warehouse same day wherever possible and Royal Mail deliver in 48hrs including Saturdays (Tracking is included with every order) or choose to upgrade to 24hr delivery from just 99p!
However, due to delivery issues that we cannot control please allow up to 7 days before contacting us about your order – just because every so often courier parcels can be delayed with the postal service due to very high volumes.
Please note, orders placed after 4pm on Fridays will not be dispatched until the following Monday.
If you wish to change the delivery address on your order, we may be able to do this if you contact us within an hour of your order being placed. In this case, please follow the instructions below.
Email, with your name, order number, correct address details and a contact number, and we’ll do our best.
Please note, we are unable to make changes to items in your order.
No more waiting in or missed deliveries!
Shipping box dimensions: 2.3 x 34.8 x 24.5cm. *Applicable to individual pack options only; where more than 1 pack is ordered items will be shipped in a larger outer box.
FREE TRACKED DELIVERY to the following countries...
Northern Ireland
United Kingdom